# lecturer: there are many ways to make plots using python but we have on good library which is popular, very useful and easyb to make plots. that is matplot library
# we can use this library we can make really sofisticated and high quality plots
import matplotlib #since I intent to use matplotlib I have to import it into my phython file
#as I am going to use it for plotting graphs and matplotlib is very bog library I would like to import plotting library which is pyplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #i can directly import it with first importing as I did above and i am naming it as plt for easy use
%matplotlib inline
#this command will make all the plots in the file to appeare in this page. we can use other commands using which we can make the files of the plots which we shall see subsequently
plt.plot([1,2,3,4],[1,4,9,12]) #plot is a function that will plot the graphs and as plot is inside matplotlib I have to call it in a specific way so I used the command plt.plot
#we can even save it in a file using the following command
plt.show() #this command to show the plot